I recently gave my grandmother's 1913 Heller Upright piano a tune-up. It's the first time it's been restored, though I have been happily playing it for years. The surprising result is that once those strings were in tune, it was like a spotlight on my terrible piano skills!
Just as I tinkered away on my piano with little regard to proper technique, so many writers dive into their stories without making sure what they are saying is in tune, or that their writing technique is sound. Read this post to learn how art thrives under the constraint of rules.
It can seem like more is more, right?
Read this post to learn why bells and whistles and all-the-things in your story might be exciting, but when it comes to good writing, simple and clear is best.

By adopting an actor's mindset when writing your novel, you can bring depth and authenticity to each character, regardless of their role in the story So, read this post to pull back the curtain and approach your novel like actors do on the stage or screen.