Bells and Whistles in Writing

Are you trying to do too much in your story?

It can seem like more is more, right? 

Read this post to learn why bells and whistles and all-the-things in your story might be exciting, but when it comes to good writing, simple and clear is best.


Start With Simple

Writing a novel can be as overwhelming as running a children's theatre camp! Whether working with words or children's theatre, simplifying the process can make a monumental task manageable. This post shows you how!

Think Like An Actor When Writing Your Novel

By adopting an actor's mindset when writing your novel, you can bring depth and authenticity to each character, regardless of their role in the story  So, read this post to pull back the curtain and approach your novel like actors do on the stage or screen.

Writing Software

Nowadays, there is an abundance of options available for writing manuscripts or scripts, ranging from free to paid, and offering cloud-based or standalone solutions. The best choice often comes down to preference. Check out this blog post for a rundown of some of the software that's available for writers. 


Who Do You Write For?

Have you ever considered who you write for?
Do you write for yourself, for the thrill of pouring out the stories in your mind onto the page?
Or do you crave that special connection with readers, wanting to touch their hearts and minds with your words?
But here's the real question: Does it even matter?
Absolutely! In fact, the answer should be a resounding "yes" to both choices.  
Read this blog post to find out why!
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